Bach, which María Muñoz débuted in 2004 as a performance piece, has now been presented more than one hundred times in various countries across the continents. María Muñoz has worked on conveying and reinterpreting this solo with Italian creator and performer Federica Porello. In Bach, the discourse is articulated solely through the body and the music of Bach. It is an approach to Johann Sebastian Bach’s The Well-
Tempered Clavier, where the performer combines dance with some preludes that are reproduced live, alongside the memory of certain escapes danced in silence. On this occasion, Federica Porello will offer a performance based on Bach’s piece in the Prism space at Tabakalera.
Artistic details
Creation and direction: María Muñoz
Performance: Federica Porello
Music: The Well-Tempered Clavier Johann Sebastian Bach performed by Glenn Gould
Sound Technician: Xavi Moreno
Photography: Jordi Bover
Production: Mal Pelo
Free entry with invitation:
Request your invitation at Tabakalera's information point on August 16, starting at 6:30 p.m.
María Muñoz has worked on conveying and reinterpreting this solo with Italian creator and performer Federica Porello.