Abelardo Gil-Fournier TBK

Abelardo Gil-Fournier (Rabat, 1979) is an artist and researcher. Trained in physics, he has a PhD in art from the Winchester School of Art (United Kingdom). He has worked as a researcher at the FAMU Film and Television School in Prague (Czech Republic) and is currently the recipient of a Leonardo scholarship from the BBVA Foundation.

His practice addresses the relationship between matter and knowledge as part of an ecological poetics in which notions such as visual culture or imagination can be understood beyond the human realm. His projects encompass different techniques and often draw on historical references and scientific experiments.

His work has been exhibited and discussed internationally in venues such as Transmediale (Berlin), Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia (León), Fotomuseum Winterthur (Switzerland), LE BAL (Paris), Fotocolectania (Barcelona), Design Museum (Shenzhen), IKKM (Weimar), and the Spanish Cultural Centres in Nicaragua and El Salvador. Together with Jussi Parikka, he is the author of the book Living Surfaces. Images, Plants and Environments of Media (MIT Press 2024).

Proyectos participa
Eventos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Artist and researcher
Artistas y Creadores