
Online exhibition curated by Jaime de los Ríos that explores networked transmuseum formats under the concept of connection, collective participation and telepresence. Digital windows, usually conceived as smart devices, mobiles, TVs and screens, serve as an element of bidirectional communication and can be occupied by Art, decolonising our screens of over-information and directed leisure. With these new supports, interfaces and doors to a digitalised world, artists have seen their communicative capacity increase, as well as the possibility of working with the same support-tool-concept that is their subject of study. The materiality of the internet, the roles of social networks, intimacy, popular scientific beliefs or gender identity come to life in the different landscapes infiltrated in an everyday life conditioned by connection. Thus, five artistic proposals are presented, several of them newly created, and others are reactivated that have a contemporary re-reading thanks to the exceptional state we live in.

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