Ben Clark (Ibiza, 1984) has published, among others, the poems Los hijos de los hijos de la ira, XXI Hiperion Poetry Prize (Hiperión, 2006, Delirio, 2017), Cabotaje (Delirio, 2008), Basura (Delirio, 2011), La Fiera (Sloper, 2014), for which he won the
Ciutat de Palma Joan Alcover Award and the prize El Ojo Critico de RNE de Poesía 2014, The Last Dogs of Shackleton (Sloper, 2016) and The Celestial Police (Visor , 2018), for which he won the XXX Loewe Poetry Prize.
As a translator of poetry he has published Poemas de amor by Anne Sexton (2009) , Poesía Completa by Edward Thomas (2012) and, together with Borja Aguiló, the anthology Tengo una cita con la Muerte, Poetas Muertos en la Gran Guerra (2011) , all of them by Linteo publishing house.
Proyectos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Writer and translator