Borderlands is an installation-drawing project inspired in Mexican “papel picado” (perforated paper) used, from all appearances, as far back as pre-Hispanic times. Departing from diverse elements and personal experiences, Urbeltz invites us to reflect upon the conflict that exists in one of the biggest, most crossed borders in the world, the one between Mexico and the United States.
At the centre of this work are characters in fluctuating border contexts, like the “Hit Women” of the Cartel de Las Flacas, or Las Gladys, or las Pachucas, as the prototypical image of “bad girls” on the other side of the border.
Note: the installation will be opened in October 5th at 7pm, with the presence of Leire Urbeltz. After that, it will be open to visits for almost two days, until 10am of October 7th.
Borderlands is an installation-drawing project inspired in Mexican “papel picado” (perforated paper) used, from all appearances, as far back as pre-Hispanic times. Departing from diverse elements and personal experiences, Urbeltz invites us to reflect upon the conflict that exists in one of the biggest, most crossed borders in the world, the one between Mexico and the United States.