Cabra, marcado para morrer, Eduardo Coutinho, Brazil, 1984, 119'
It originated in 1964 as a planned feature film about the life and death of João Pedro Teixeira, a leader of the Peasant leagues from Paraíba who was assassinated on the order of local landowners in 1962. But before it could be completed, production was interrupted by political developments, with some of the crew and cast arrested and their materials confiscated by the Brazilian military dictatorship. In 1984, Coutinho returned to the material, shooting new footage of some of the actors and crew. The resulting critically acclaimed documentary gained a cult following and has become one of the best-known films of Coutinho.
Presented by Kleber Mendonça Filho
Kultura Zentro Popularreko (CPC) kameralari bat ordezkatzen ari zen bitartean, Eduardo Coutinhok João Pedro Teixeira nekazarien buruzagiaren heriotza salatzeko manifestazio bat filmatu zuen 1962an.