Zinetika presents the movement from a cinematographic view, where the multiple relationships between the body and the camera are explored.
This international festival will celebrate its III edition from the 15th to the 21st of November in Pamplona, San Sebastian and Bilbao.
Invisible Beauty, Iñaki Alforja, Espainia, 2018, 11’07’’.
Schwarzfahrer, Jiří Kylián, Netherlands, 2014,6’
7:35 de la mañana, Nacho Vigalondo, Spain. 2033, 8’
Some ways to get rid of a body, Hannes Renvall, Ria Bäckström, Finland, 2017, 21’
The Crackdown, Mervi Junkkonen, Sweden, 2016, 1’
Unidad, Oihana Varela, Spain, 2018, 4’59’’
Scalamare, Jiří Kylián, Netherlands, 2017, 10’
Shivta, Or Schraiber, Israel, 2017, 10’
The evil, Carlon Hardt, Brazil, 2016, 2’10’’
Strophe, Aimée Duchamp, Spain, 2015, 4’10’’
Otherland, Jan Pieter Tuinstra, Keren Levi, 2018, 13’30’’
Banana Blue, Pia Lauritz, Australia, 2017, 4’59’’
Zinetikak, mugimenduaren bidez espresatzen den zinema ikusteko aukera ematen digu. Diziplina anitzeko jaialdi honetan dantza eta ikus-entzunezkoek topaguneak bilatzen dituzte sorkuntza hibridoa garatzeko.