23/01 19:30 Talk. Z Hall. Free entrance
Play, browse, ask, venture, try, try and make mistakes, start over ... This is how you learn about the world in childhood, taking time for yourself, time to look and understand. But in the performance society, children fall under the "hyper regime": excessive stimulation, hurry to conclude, immediate satisfaction of consumer objects. What happens today with childhood, when we fill its "free time" with objects and activities? There are a lot of new pathologies related to attention unified under the label of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
But according to Jose Ramón Ubieto and Marino Pérez Álvarez, that diagnosis pathologizes the effects that our society causes in childhood by classifying them as mental disorders. And so, we get to save ourselves from a critical reflection on our ways of life. Is ADHD real? What is the use of the medication associated with the diagnosis? Are there alternatives to the pharmacological solution, other forms of accompaniment of the children? How can we interrupt the hyper regime and get bored again?
Play, browse, ask, venture, try, try and make mistakes, start over ... This is how you learn about the world in childhood, taking time for yourself, time to look and understand.