Architecture and historical memory
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Annual meeting with cinema and architecture, this year focused on architecture and historical memory. Includes projections of films by Guillermo G. Peydró, Heinz Emigholz and Nikolaus Geyrhalter.

Eventos - Agrupaciones Pertenecientes
Visualización Actuales
1 Columna
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La ciudad del trabajo, by Guillermo G. Peydró


Autumn is the season of architecture: on the one hand, there is the celebration of World Architecture Day on the first Monday in the month of October. On the other, with our various programmes dedicated to new urbanism, construction and a reflection on art and the technique of planning, designing, building and modifying the human habitat. The audiovisual area will offer three titles that address architecture purely from the cinematic. This year, we are focusing on the relationship between architecture and historical memory



The idea of this cycle is to add and remove layers of discourse to and from a building: from a voice-over generating "politics" from the apparent neutrality of a building, to merely viewing it without adding speech. All to find, in the end, that the architecture itself includes the human dimension in its essence and, therefore, the possibility of complete destruction.


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