This choral concert consists of the project’s first public presentation as performed by the Ochote Ozenki in collaboration with artist Juan Perez Aguirregoikoa in Donostia-San Sebastian. “Concert for a raised fist” consists of an artistic performance in which this traditional formation comprised of eight voices follows the precise instructions of the artist, introducing lyrics from texts by different French philosophers including Guy Lardreau, Jacques Fradin, Gilles Grelet, and Jacques Lacan structured as popular songs such as “El menú”, “Beti eskamak kentzen”, “Ume eder bat”, and “Viva Aragón”.
This choral concert consists of the project’s first public presentation as performed by the Ochote Ozenki in collaboration with artist Juan Perez Aguirregoikoa
Reserva: Concierto para puño alzado Ochote Ozenki
FechaInicio: 2022-03-16
FechaFin: 2022-03-17
FechaAlta: 2022-02-16
Proyecto: Scala
Entrada: Librea
EntradaES: Libre
idReserva: 7950FDED-39AC-46D8-9A5D-951F28A00B90
Fecha: 2022-03-17
HoraInicio: 20:00
HoraFin: 20:30
TituloEvento: Concierto para puño alzado Ochote Ozenki
TituloEventoEU: Concierto para puño alzado Ochote Ozenki
SalaES: Planta 1
SalaEU: 1. solairua
Ocupacion: Musika
OcupacionES: Música
OcupacionEU: Musika