Curatorial project 2025
Bloque ID
Formulario Inscripción
Texto explicativo

Registration must be carried out through the Tabakalera website by completing the online form and attaching the following documentation in the order set out below:

  1. Contact details: name, surname(s), address, e-mail, contact telephone number, date of birth. One person shall be assigned in this category as a representative for the selected project.
  2. An explanation of the project and the reason why the candidate wants to undertake this particular stage of the project to be worked on during the residency at Tabakalera (between 500 and 1000 words).
  3. Graphic and other material that helps illustrate the project.
  4. Budget and approximate needs for the exhibition project.
  5. Submission of a plan with requirements and an estimated timetable of the work to be carried out during the residency.
  6. A CV and short biography or history of the collective, whichever is appropriate (500 words).

All documentation must be attached in one single PDF document (max. 10 MB and 10 pages). The file name should be: surname_name_category; for example: sara_zudaire_curatorial.

All documentation must be submitted in Basque, Spanish or English. Where Basque or Spanish is used, applicants must also attach a short summary in English. Otherwise, the panel of judges reserves the right to reject the project submitted. 

Where the successful applicant is a collective, said document should refer to all persons involved.