While we dream and temporarily cancel vision in order to recreate ourselves in other virtual images, the ear always remains on alert. Not being able to close our ears forces us to listen outside and inside at the same time, even while we sleep. In reality, although it may sound strange, perhaps purely sound dreams do not exist.
This concert proposes an exercise based on drowsy listening, a kind of sound nap, or perhaps, a concert-listening while asleep.
A long and relaxed night, soundtracked through pieces of radio art, field recordings and other sound and musical compositions, where the audience can sleep listening or listen while sleeping.
A cinema without light, without lyrics and without seats.
The nuances and differences depend on each dream, we let the comments sound during breakfast.
This activity is part of the Dantz Festival and has the collaboration of TABAKALERA, ELIAS QUEREJETA ZINE ESKOLA and AUDIO-LAB.ORG.
This concert proposes an exercise based on drowsy listening, a kind of sound nap, or perhaps, a concert-listening while asleep.

Reserva: Dantz Festival 2024
FechaInicio: 2024-07-18
FechaFin: 2024-07-18
FechaAlta: 2024-06-10
Seccion: EDUKIAK
Canal: DANTZ 2024
Entrada: Sarrera
EntradaES: Entrada
idReserva: 2A0156F9-B737-44F1-BC5D-08B4EC2992D6
Fecha: 2024-07-18
HoraInicio: 22:30
HoraFin: 09:00
Plazas: 50
TituloEvento: Sohnar
TituloEventoEU: Sohnar
SalaES: Patio
SalaEU: Patioa
Ocupacion: Musika
OcupacionES: Música
OcupacionEU: Musika