In early April 2017 a data analysis and visualisation workshop Hirikilabs was carried out to analyse and understand the effect caused by tourist flats on the city of San Sebastian. SummerLab is a structure that is adequate for this purpose, because thanks to its organisation and infrastructure, and to the diffusion of the event, it can be useful to attract those with an interest in the topic.
The three-day workshop coordinated by Montera34 in Hirikilabs was very interesting: we were able to truly experience the power of collective intelligence and collaborative production. Producing such a comprehensive report in three days on the impact of Airbnb in San Sebastian surpassed all of our expectations. Producing it at the same time that some learned the basics for visualising and analysing data, while others faced formats and tools that were foreign to them for the first time, we all learned how to work together as we progressed.
Since the first workshop was carried out we’ve been constantly receiving messages with new data, new sources to contrast with those we’ve used, new ideas to complete the report. We think that it's crucial for us to get together again to see if we can produce a new version of the report, one that's more complete, and consolidate the group formed during the workshop. The SummerLab is ideal for this: we can use the organisation, the installations and the diffusion of the meeting so that people who have written to us can meet each other, and new people can join.
Space for analysis. Presentations and debate. (Room Z - Tabakalera)
11:00 Presentation
Presentation. 5 mins
Summary of the collaborative report Effect of Airbnb in San Sebastian, from April 2017. Challenges and expectations. 20 mins [other cities, Madrid, Berlin, Barcelona].
11:30 Block 1. Experiences in other cities.
Speaker 1 (Santiago Espinosa, Saigesp). “Monitoring of invoicing of Airbnb accommodation from the administration”.
Speaker 2 (Other City Councils).
Speaker 3 Margalida Mestre (Terra ferida, Mallorca).
Speaker 4. Miguel Angel Morey (Dinsairbnb, Mallorca)
13:00 Block 2. The case of San Sebastian.
Speaker 3 (Asier Pereda. Rentals collection Assoc. of Tourist Use Housing).
Speaker 4 (San Sebastian City Council).
Speaker 5 (Urbanism and activism)
14:00 Debate
Debate among the speakers and workshop members. In situ.
Production space
16:00 Intro. How to work collectively with data.
A process to work collaboratively with data: choose exercise/API/clean data... depending on the needs.
17:00 Thematic production by groups.
20:00 Closure.
Production space
10:00-14:00 Production.
16:00-20:00 Production.
A gathering to produce a new version of the Airbnb Effect report, one that's more complete, and consolidate the group formed during the workshop in April 2017.