Miró, otro, Pere Portabella, España, 1969, 15’
Because of the Miro Other exhibition organized in 1969 by the Architectural Society of Catalonia, the board proposed to Pere Portabella to film what was to be the attractive wall image on the exterior panes of the building. Portabella wasn't interested in making a testimony documentary. At the end of the show, Joan Mirón decided that if she erased it, she would film it herself, assisted by the cleaning services. Joan Mirón accepts the idea without hesitation. It is a film filmed with a complete complicity between the filmmaker and the painter.
Miró forja, Pere Portabella, España, 1973, 24’
It was commissioned by the Maeght Gallery, organized by the French Ministry of Cultural Affairs at the Gran Palais in Paris and inaugurated on 17 May 1974. It's a five-day film about Joan Miró's melted and emptied Mallorquinas doors. The filming team will go to the Parellada family in Llinars de Munte. Bronze sculptures weigh 1,200 kg, 800 kg, and 650 kg, and melted only one piece in a turf (furnace) built specifically for this purpose.
Miró Tapiz, Pere Portabella, España, 1973, 21’
It was made at the request of the Maeght Gallery to remember an exhibition by Joan Mirón, organized at the Gran Palais in Paris by the French Ministry of Culture. The film was filmed in six days at Montroig del Camp (Mas Miró) and in Tarragona, in the process of making an original tapestry of Josep Royo Joan Miro. Five people worked for eight months to make that carpet, using 1,200 kg of wool and 600 kg of insulin. The total weight was 3,500 kg and 6 meters wide and 11 meters long. It took a special texture to weave. On the day of the attack on the World Trade Center towers in New York, on September 11, 2001, the tapestry was placed in the hall of one of the towers when they were knocked down.
Shortfilms: Miró, otro,1969, 15’; Miró forja, 1973, 24’; Miró Tapiz, 1973, 21’.
FechaInicio: 2022-10-15
FechaFin: 2022-10-15
FechaAlta: 2022-09-13
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
Idioma: VO, Sub ES
Pelicula: Proyeccion tres cortos
Miró, otro, Pere Portabella, España, 1969, 15’
Miró forja, Pere Portabella, España, 1973, 24’
Miró Tapiz, Pere Portabella, España, 1973, 21’
idReserva: F63ECB03-AB8F-4405-A915-A4EA326C7083
Fecha: 2022-10-15
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea