Heidi Vogels (2015)
This seminar is dedicated to the introduction of the project Dispositifs of Touching: Curatorial Imagination in the Times of Expanded Borders produced in 2015 in collaboration with Trankat Résidence d'artistes en Médina de Tétouan (Trankat art residency in Tétouan’s Medina), which is part of the doctoral research of Leire Vergara within the Curatorial / Knowledge programme of the Visual Cultures department at Goldsmiths College, University of London. This seminar addresses the crossover that occurs between curatorial practice and academic research and has a number of guests involved in different stages of developing this research, who will give an account of marginalised spaces that emerge beyond this process.
Guests: Younès Rahmoun (Tétouan), Mohamed Larbi Rahhali (Tétouan), Marion Cruza Le Bihan (Bilbao) and Xabier Salaberria (San Sebastian).
MAY 19, Thursday, 19:00. Z HALL
Lecture by Leire Vergara. Free entry.
The plazas of sovereignty: a curatorial investigation in process
Leire Vergara will speak on her doctoral thesis dedicated to the study (from a curatorial perspective) of the plazas of sovereignty, those Spanish enclaves dispersed across the north coast of Morocco and that operate as territories of exception across the history of Spanish colonialism.
MAY 20, Friday, 10:00–14:00. Workshop hall
Seminar with Leire Vergara, Younès Rahmoun, Mohamed Larbi Rahhali, Xabier Salaberria and Marion Cruza Le Bihan. Registration: please fill out this form
This seminar takes as model of production and investigation the project Dispositifs of Touching: Curatorial Imagination in the Times of the Expanded Borders realized in Tétouan in 2015 to reflect on the artistic investigation out and inside the academic limits. The debate will be focused on the limits and possibilities for artistic production within the framework of a practice-based PhD research, considering in this case the different lived experiences and diverse points of view of the invited artists.
May 20, Friday, 19:00-21:00. Workshop Hall
Artist presentations. Free entry.
19:00 Younès Rahmoun
19.30 Xabier Salaberria
20:00 Marion Cruza Le Bihan
20:30 Mohamed Larbi Rahhali
This seminar is dedicated to the introduction of the project Dispositifs of Touching: Curatorial Imagination in the Times of Expanded Borders.