The Donostia Music Documentary Film Festival, Dock of the Bay, will celebrate its seventeenth edition from June 17 to 22 at the Trueba Cinemas, Tabakalera, Teatro Principal and other venues in the city, as well as Le Bukowski or the Convent of Santa Teresa.
Programme in Tabakalera
- Wednesday, June 19th
PROYECCIÓN La estafa del amor
Virginia García del Pino, España, 2023, 73 min, español, VO, Estreno Euskadi.
Presentation and talk with Virginia Garcia del Pino.
19:00h Cine Tabakalera.
DOCK LIVE! Diego Vasallo. “Malo ni bueno”
21:00h Kutxa Fundazioa Kluba
- Thursday, June 20th
PROYECCIÓN Short films from the official session
19:00 Cine Tabakalera
- Punkaren beste aldea
Perlata (Jaione Martínez Saez de Maturana, Ane Garai Arrieta, Maialen Oleaga Nuño), Spain, 2023, 29 min, euskera, VOSE, World Premiere, Opera Prima. - El camino del ruido
Rodrigo Jardón, Spain, 2023, 18 min, spanish, VO, Euskadi Premiere. - Un punk ejemplar
Diandra Arriaga, México, 2023, 10 min, spanish, VO, Europe Premiere. - If the clouds fall
Cleo Julia Mullis, The Netherlands, 2023, 24 min, dutch, VOSE, World Premiere, Opera Prima. - Ressonàncies (d’una música callada)
Xavier Esteban, Spain, 2023, 19 min, japanese, VOSE, Euskadi Premiere. - f. (Barranco, el regreso de la Filoxera)
Pol Crosas y Domenec Miralles , Spain, 2023, 19 min, spanish, VO, World Premiere.
DOCK LIVE! Kokoshca. “De raíz”
21:00h Kutxa Fundazioa Kluba
Donostia Music Documentary Film Festival, which will celebrate its seventeenth edition from June 17 to 22.