Schools navigate between "state language" and ways of doing things that have not yet found a way to be expressed. What cannot be expressed in the language of representations struggles to find its language, however. A language that reveals the impotence of a language that does not approach what it ignores. A language of proximity, of presences. A language that shifts the boundaries of existence. A language that is embodied in space and time. The following reflections, or rather mumblings, propose a journey across a microscopic plane of life in a school, devising a writing which far from expressing particular cases, attempts to show how a listening "procedure" works. A policy of listening which extracts what arises in tensions and is inaudible from the transcendent plane of perception. Policy, because while it throws logic into disarray, it experiments on the unfinished plane of the forms of social bonds.
Schools navigate between "state language" and ways of doing things that have not yet found a way to be expressed.