
Historian, journalist, novelist and essayist. He was deputy director of the Africa College of Madrid and Centro-Cultural Hispano-Guineano of Malabo. He ran the Center for African Studies Center at the University of Murcia. He has published in journals such as Índice, Historia 16, La Aventura de la Historia and Mundo Negro, and in the newspapers ABC, El País and Diario 16 (among others). His works include: Historia y tragedia de Guinea Ecuatorial (1977), España en Guinea (coautor,1998), and novels such as Las tinieblas de tu memoria negra, Los poderes de la tempestad and El Metro. Researcher at the Center of AfroHispanic Studies of the UNED, where he is a member of the Honorary Committee.
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Historian, journalist, novelist and essayist