The body
My body, and its contradictions
Your bodies
Feel your own body, sense the other bodies, affect (us)
Dance, move, run, sweat, flex, fall to the floor, jump, run and walk
Get into something, get involved
Allow other people to enter this universe
Search for the (im)possibility of inventing our desires
Deal with pain and anger, and let them g
Break down discourses, reorganise thoughts
With the body
From the body
Write to understand what happens in the body
Or just feel it
Or feel-understand, as if it were a new word
Non-rigid, non-static, non-determinant
In which the corporeal and the cognitive converge
El cuerpo. Mi cuerpo, y sus contradicciones. Vuestros cuerpos. Sentir el propio cuerpo, sentir los otros cuerpos, afectar(nos). Bailar, moverse, ejecutar, sudar, flexionar, caer al suelo, saltar, correr, andar. Danza.