Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola proposes an open house day mainly aimed at university students in the region. It is a program of opening, visibility, and dissemination of the center’s cinematographic and research activity, which aims to make the EQZE project known and present some of the works that have been produced at the school in recent year and have been premiered at some of the most important film festivals in the world.
10:00-10:30 EQZE HALL
Introduction to the day and presentation of EQZE's pedagogical proposal.
10:30-12:00 EQZE HALL
Screening of films restored in the EQZE laboratories and conversation with the researchers and students involved in the work processes.
Las ninfas de la charca (José Ernesto Díaz-Noriega, 1935, 5 min.)
Trailer (Banderas victoriosas) (José Ernesto Díaz-Noriega, 1939, 4 min.)
Middlebury 1962 (Verano) (Eugenio Granell, 1962, 4 min.)
Lluvia (Eugenio Granell, 1961, 2 min.)
La selva oscura (Lucía Malandro, Daniel Delgado; 2023, 17 min.)
11:00-13:30 EQZE
Visit the EQZE facilities to see its spaces and equipment and learn about some of the projects under development with the students, researchers, and teaching staff of the centre.
12:00-13:45 EQZE HALL
Screening of two short films developed at EQZE and conversation with their directors.
Die donau (Jaume Claret, 2023, 18 min.)
Ave (Ana Cristina Barragán, 2023, 20 min.)
15:00-16:30 EQZE
Guided tours of EQZE's facilities.
17:00-18:30 EQZE HALL
Screening of the latest feature film by Matías Piñeiro (coordinator of the Filmmaking department), made together with EQZE students.
Tú me abrasas (Matías Piñeiro, 2024, 64 min.)
Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola opens its doors to the public as part of Tabakalera's Open Doors Day.
Reserva: EZQE Ate irekiak
FechaInicio: 2024-12-13
FechaFin: 2024-12-13
FechaAlta: 2024-11-19
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: EQZE - jaialdia
Idioma: EU + ES
idReserva: 0EDE0EFE-5E0F-45C6-B2DD-6BCCC8E36023
Fecha: 2024-12-13
HoraInicio: 10:30
HoraFin: 12:00
idAmbito: BE6EF890-64C0-EA11-9203-005056883062
TituloEvento: 1.Film saioa | Programa de películas 1
TituloEventoEU: 1.Film saioa | Programa de películas 1
Sala: EQZE Aretoa
SalaES: EQZE Aretoa
SalaEU: EQZE Aretoa
Ocupacion: Aurkezpena
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea
FechaFin: 2024-12-13