"The social workings into which we are integrated is comprised of structures that function thanks to lustful forces that we ourselves unfurl. A well-oiled machine comprised of connecting rods, pistons, spark plugs, levers... and, above all, drive chains."
Eromecánica addresses how we as people are part of a social machine that connects bodies, organisations, installations, systems, protocols, and behaviours. A mechanism that makes life together possible, while exercising certain repression on the individual. This mechanism is regulated by control devices such as the labour, education, health, and corrections systems... that function thanks to the lustful forces operated by the individuals that lubricate them, keeping their parts connected: erotic, driving, emotional forces, and forces of attraction, repulsion, domination, and submission. They are soft technologies that are less efficient not because they are intangible, to the contrary, in part it is their invisibility that makes them more efficient.
Eromecánica is a project created by Saioa Olmo, with its performance aspect developed by the EPLC collective (Ixiar García, Nuria Pérez Alcántara, Naiara Santacoloma, Maider Urrutia, and Ivan Batty), including workshops on the topic of: Xabier Erkizia, Idoia Zabaleta, Diego del Pozo, Agurtzane Ormatza, Ainhoa Güemes, Nestor Makhno, and Javier de Rivera.
The presentation of the book will be starting point to converse and reflect on, among other things, power, eroticism, domination, submissiveness, etc., factors