In the last School peripheries “Category B” call for proposals, the selected project was Eskola Bideak, which was presented by the Ikastola Arizmendi school in Eskoriatza.
This category is open to all schools in Gipuzkoa and provides the opportunity to work on a project throughout the school year with the collaboration of the mediation team from Tabakalera.
The objective of this call for proposals is to develop a collaborative art and education project in school, neighbourhood or city spaces. Within this context, different agents from the Ikastola Arizmendi have created the Eskola Bideak project. Through this initiative we aim to promote reflection on the different paths that can be followed to walk to the school, so that the students become aware of the connection to the natural environment, healthy habits and safety.
During this school year we intend to carry out awareness raising activity regarding the project, aimed at the entire educational community of the Almen Center, and to bring life to these paths, making their use appealing.