
Euskal Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea (EWKE) was created in 2016 and its goal is to promote and to help to develop the Wikipedia in Basque. Joining the Wikipedia, the culture and the transverse knowledge, years of scientific knowledge, they should not be an exclusive inheritance of a minority. In order that the universal knowledge could be in hands of all, in 2001 the Wikipedia was created, a digital, opened, free and free encyclopedia. In 2003, the version appeared in Basque, with the aim to bring the Basque culture over. A long way has been realized since then and important milestones have arisen. A group of companions have created this new association with the commitment to promote, to announce and improve Euskarazko Wikipedia and other nearby projects. For it, they organize different days, courses, workshops and marathons of edition. 
Proyectos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
The association that founded the Basque Wikipedia