
Gabriel Villota Toyos has a BA in art and a PhD in audio-visual communications from the University of the Basque Country, where he currently lectures in the Department of Audio-visual Communications and Advertising. He has spent research visits at the University of Nevada (Reno, Basque Studies Programme 2002), New York University (2008), Temple University (Philadelphia, 2014) and at the Studies Centre of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, 2015). 

Since the early 1990s, he has also worked as an artist and organiser of activities related to the visual arts. He has published pieces in numerous different specialist journals, art catalogues and other print media. His most recent articles include texts on cinema and dance: “Incluso cuando estamos quietos nos estamos moviendo”, in Cadáveres exquisitos. Intervenciones sobre obituarios de periódicos 2001‑2014 (Txuspo Poyo, 2015); “A propósito de un eslabón perdido: la (re)aparición de Assemblage (Merce Cunningham, Richard Moore, 1968)”, in Ausart nº 4 (Bilbao, June 2015) and “Vindicación de la huella en Merce Cunningham. Danza y registro audiovisual en tres etapas históricas, 1960-1993”, in Brumaria (Madrid, 2015).
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Artist and professor
Artistas y Creadores