Professor in the Spanish and Portuguese Department of Princeton University since 2008. Full Professor of this institution since 2018 (on leave). Visiting Professor at the Universität Hamburg (DAAD). Visiting Professor at CUNY-The Graduate Center.
His research in the area of cultural history is focused around the study of Iberian worlds in the contemporary era based on relationships between aesthetics and politics, citizens and memory. He is the author of the monographs Letras Arrebatadas. Poesía y química en la transición española (Devenir, 2009) and Culpables por la Literatura. Imaginación política y contracultura en la transición española (1968-1986) (Akal, 2017). He was one of the curators for the exhibition Poéticas de la democracia. Imágenes y contra-imágenes de la transición española (MNCARS 2018-2020), and has collaborated as an advisor on the new presentation of the collection. He has published more than one hundred issues, research articles, book chapters, and other academic texts in national and international magazines and editorials.