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Podcast created to discuss urban and territorial issues.

haritik hirira
Eventos - Agrupaciones Pertenecientes
Descripción Larga

Haritik Hirira is a work group comprised of two geographers. They bring together their yearnings to transform our territories and cities into a more human place, by respecting social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Given that, generally speaking, little on land and urban planning themes could be found in leading traditional and social media, and that all of the content was only in Spanish, a project to bridge this gap was launched in early 2021. In addition to promoting and addressing these topics, the project provides the often-scarce space and support that the Basque language deserves. As a result, by examining many problems of daily life through a spatial lens, the processes produced in Basque territories and cities are laid bare, as is the general intention to develop the reader’s critical perspective.

Imagen Listado
haritik hirira
Tipo Agrupación
Project in residency
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