Harrikaria is an initiative that brings together diverse musical offerings. Musical instrument innovations and transformations will play a leading role. Lithophones and txalapartas, sounds and rhythms, simple materials and uses, and unexpected inventions created by humans striking stones. Jad Atoui will play The reverse sessions: Litophone by Tarek Atoui, which is part of the Komunikazio-Inkomunikazio exhibition, and members of Oreka TX will present the sounds created from txalaparta research carried out at Tabakalera’s Medialab.
What can a material as simple as stone offer thought? This concert aims to make the space between senses and sound audible, and present stone as a living material. That is to say, stone as a strike. Then a strike (if used with care) can be the continuum in which all biospecies and inorganic elements intersect. But first the strike must be measured. The measurement means rhythm, yes and no, light and dark, or 0s and 1s. Yet all initiatives based on rhythm lead human beings down forked paths: first, a space of logically ordered time and, second, becoming intoxicated with time as it beats below this infinite and endless logical order.
18:30 First session
20:00 Second session
Harrikaria musikari ezberdinak biltzen dituen ekimena da. Bertan tradiziotik eratorritako instrumentuen gainean egindako eraldaketek hartuko dute eszenatokia.