The keys to keeping the Euskera and the Basque community alive to this day have probably been many and varied, such as historical moments, significant characters, strategic projects, public policies... but the role played by the “herrigintza”, activism, militancy is undeniable. Even what he still does today. On the other hand, in a society which has a marked tendency towards individualism and homogenization, it may seem that the “herrigintza” is in a state of perdition, that the encounter of voluntary and organized labour is becoming more and more difficult, that nothing is the same now. And indeed, nothing is the same. Because nothing has ever been or will ever be the same.
In the current digital and golbal context of the multiple crises, what kind of “herrigintza” does the speaking community need, and therefore the revitalization of the language?
To build dialogue on this question and to think together with the community, we wanted to bring the voice of McKenzie Wark from his book "Love and Money, Sex and Death" Maybe we´ll talk about desire, politics, aesthetics, body, proclamation, doubt, police, father. McKenzie Wark is one of the sharpest and most moving voices who writes about the intersection between capitalism, community, gender and sex, with which we will navigate through the intersections.
Interview and round table with Danele Sarriugarte, Kuir Archive and Kay Subijana.
Presentation of the book “Maitasuna eta dirua, sexua eta heriotza” by McKenzie Wark.
Reserva: Herrigintza, militantzia, aktibismoa, krisian. Intersekzioetan nabigatuz, McKenzie Wark.ekin batera
FechaInicio: 2024-12-07
FechaFin: 2024-12-07
FechaAlta: 2024-11-13
Proyecto: OROKORRA
Idioma: EU + EN
Entrada: Librea
EntradaES: Libre
idReserva: 987107EF-E3F8-49F6-A959-97FF604FD2FD
Fecha: 2024-12-07
HoraInicio: 18:30
HoraFin: 20:00
Plazas: 120
idAmbito: BF6EF890-64C0-EA11-9203-005056883062
TituloEvento: Herrigintza, militantzia, aktibismoa, krisian?/! Intersekzioetan nabigatuz, McKenzie Wark.ekin batera
TituloEventoEU: Herrigintza, militantzia, aktibismoa, krisian?/! Intersekzioetan nabigatuz, McKenzie Wark.ekin batera
Sala: SALA Z
SalaES: Sala Z
SalaEU: Z aretoa
Ocupacion: Aurkezpena
OcupacionES: Presentación
OcupacionEU: Aurkezpena