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Public presentation of open projects related to technology and/or digital culture in search of partners for development in the laboratory. Once the groups have been created, the projects will be developed every Thursday during the next six months. The Hirikilabs Plaza philosophy is the promotion of free culture, open design and knowledgesharing.

During the ceremony projects will be presented that are included in the Hirikilabs Plaza call, which has been open from December 26, 2016 to February 2nd, 2017.


1.- R2D2 // Karlos Azpeitia 

A project undertaken as a process in which one can learn a bit of electronics, robotics, and digital manufacturing. 

2.- Fab & Play Board Game // Asier Arizkorreta 

An initiative designed to create a board game which can be shared and replicated based upon the Print & Play concept from digital manufacturing. 

3.- Drones to Measure Atmospheric Pollutants // Jose Antonio Grandal 

The project consists of joining Pixhawk drone technology with the technology of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi systems to obtain atmospheric pollutant measurements without endangering human lives. 

4.- CanSat // Axular

The idea is to build a gadget whose size is that of a soft-drink can and to launch it from a height of 1000 meters with a parachute, allowing it to descend at a speed of 6-8 m/s. While falling, it will measure temperature and pressure values each second via a land receiver so that the data may subsequently be analyzed. 

5.- Early Diagnosis of Pathologies // Xabat Casado 

A project to create a device which, based upon temperature changes, allows us to collect patients' reactions in order to obtain objective data which will help us to undertake the early diagnosis of pathologies such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Sciatica. 

6.- Atomic Microscope // Eguzki Larre 

This project deals with building a microscope which will allow us to see on a nanoscale. 

7.- Machine to Automate the Cutting of Wood with a Bandsaw // Eugenio Martín Rodrigo 

The idea is to develop an automated movement system to displace a board of varying thicknesses and make successive cuts at the indicated measurements, until the board is finished.

8.- Hoop // Juan Manuel Miguens Rubio + Mikel Lopez Heras 

This idea is to add speed and distance meters to a traditional rolling hoop in order to make it a collaborative activity with the rolling hoops that belong to other children. 

9.- Gadget to Create Stop Motion // Ángel Bueno 

Proposal to design a gadget that has everything needed to create small Stop-Motion animations, from the props, characters and backdrops to the capturing and editing of images – similar to the Pas a Pas Project.

10.- Re-Holocube // Carlos García

A while ago, the Holocube Project was presented at Hirikilabs Plaza and said project could not be finished. The idea is to once again take up that project and finish it. 

11.- Om for Drawing // Anne-Sophie Lacroix 

A project that was started based upon the practice of yoga. The Aum/Om mantra is generally sung to start and stop a sequence. The idea is to turn the mantra's sound (through a mechanical process) into little trenches in sand, paper, or other materials. 

12.- Light Table // Gurutz Oiarzabal 

The idea is to design and build a light table for chalcography. In theory, this is a simple project; however, perhaps with the cooperation of more individuals it can be further developed. 

13.- Vending DIY // Joseba Egia

The idea is to build a vending machine with open-source hardware and software in order to learn how said machines work. 

14.- Drying Room // María Edroso 

A project to build a drying room in which fruits, vegetables, and flowers can be dried. 

15.- Interactive Dome // Husein Gonzalez 

A proposal to create a multisensory, interactive space in which light and sound can be experimented in an intuitive, fun way. 

16.- Foods Computer // Victor José Barahona 

The idea is to make a prototype of a greenhouse for aeroponic cultivation based upon the MIT project and within the Open Agriculture Initiative. 

17.- Mouse that can be Controlled with your Head // Pablo Fernández

The idea is to create a device which may be useful for some people with functional diversity.

Descripción Corta

Public presentation of open projects related to technology and/or digital culture in search of partners for development in the laboratory.

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