HorKonpon is an open workshop that centres on the repair and reuse of tools that we use in everyday life. It aims to help make the public more self-sufficient (do it yourself) and work more as a team (do it together). It therefore seeks to gather people of all ages and skills to encourage mutual learning, by sharing technical and technological knowledge.
So anyone who thinks they are capable of repairing radios, plugs, toys, zips, or any other object is invited to come to this space organised by HorKonpon. Likewise, citizens are encouraged to dust off appliances and tools stored in the loft and bring them to Tabakalera in order to repair them with the help of everyone there.
To participate in HorKonpon, you need to meet at least one of these two conditions (or both): have something to teach in the field of manual work, or be willing to learn. Ultimately, the initiative aims to share as many skills and as much knowledge as possible in order to develop carpentry, sewing, electrical, mechanical, shoe repair, and other types of work.
HorKonpon is an open workshop that focuses on the repair and reuse of tools that we use in everyday life.
idReservaPadre: 951B5592-3E0F-41EF-B854-C75D3BDCC99B
Reserva: HorKonpon
FechaInicio: 2025-02-08
FechaFin: 2025-02-08
FechaAlta: 2024-12-24
Canal: Lan taldeak
Idioma: EU + ES
Entrada: Librea
EntradaES: Libre
idReserva: F2A8E902-43A6-4E76-A5F2-D95E0F4EB9ED
Fecha: 2025-02-08
HoraInicio: 10:00
HoraFin: 14:00
Plazas: 15
idAmbito: BE6EF890-64C0-EA11-9203-005056883062
TituloEvento: HorKonpon. Taller de reparación
TituloEventoEU: HorKonpon
SalaES: Medialab
SalaEU: Medialab
Ocupacion: Lantegia
OcupacionES: Taller
OcupacionEU: Lantegia
FechaFin: 2025-02-08
idReserva: DB52035E-7282-428A-A333-CB0D5FDDA463
Fecha: 2025-03-08
HoraInicio: 10:00
HoraFin: 14:00
Plazas: 15
idAmbito: BE6EF890-64C0-EA11-9203-005056883062
TituloEvento: HorKonpon. Taller de reparación
TituloEventoEU: HorKonpon
SalaES: Medialab
SalaEU: Medialab
Ocupacion: Lantegia
OcupacionES: Taller
OcupacionEU: Lantegia
FechaFin: 2025-03-08