
Idurre Azkue (Zarautz, 1976) she started dancing classical ballet at the age of five and in 1992 she moved to Barcelona to study contemporary dance at the Higher school of dance and choreography at the Institut del Teatre. She started dancing professionally in the company Danat Danza and later joined the General Eléctrica collective where she continues to develop her work as a dancer and performer in a variety of dance performances that look for new languages and forms of relationship with the spectator, such as By natural piety, John Kovach and Paradise .

She continues to collaborate with the Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomás Aragay and Sofía Asencio with Tomorrow will be like today, El traspiés de Luisa and Acid Folclòric, Rodrigo García de La Carnicería teatro in the performance Jardinería Humana, Andrés Waksman in Incógnitos and the solos Gora Bihotzak and Hasta el final, Saioa Ibañez in Holocausto caníbal and Xavier Le Roy in Retrospectiva at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. At the same time she gives contemporary dance classes for adults and children in different spaces.

In 2012 she returned to the Basque Country and continued working as a dancer/performer with Fermin Muguruza in Zuloak, Idoia Zabaleta in El paseo y Albornoces blancos, Olatz de Andrés in El cielo ahora, with Claudia Dias in En esta parte esquinada de la península and Sonia Gómez in Dúo. Although most of her career she has worked as a dance performer, in recent years she has started to produce her own work: I love natura, Una altra història d’amor in collaboration with Teo Baró, Domingo fantasma and La danza vegetal in collaboration with Urtzi Mardaras. Her latest creation is Bailar por bailar, in collaboration with musician Joseba Irazoki, having received the Dantzan Bilaka 2014 and Bilboeszena 2015 scholarships. The work was launched at the BAD festival.
Eventos participa
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Dancer and performer
Artistas y Creadores