

Iñaki Montero is a person born with a profound hearing impairment from Donostia-San Sebastian. Sign language is his main vehicle for communication and also for relating to others and acquiring knowledge. He is a Specialist in Spanish Sign Language, a certificate issued by the CNSE (State Confederation of Deaf People). He has worked for some time as a Sign Language teacher at different adult and children’s centres, the EHU-UPV (University of the Basque Country), etc. and even collaborated closely with BCBL (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language), developing functions for linguistic parameterisation functions and sign metalinguistics of Spanish Sign Language. Likewise, he has done small theatre, miming, performance and storytelling activities in Sign Language, both individually and in groups with the Manos k Ríen Artistic-Cultural Association.

Eventos participa
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Specialist in Spanish Sign Language