
Iñigo Villafranca Apesteguia is a curator and researcher. His practice addresses the complexity of human relationships with the territory. His main lines of research are relational aesthetics, the study of the image, landscape and utopia. A graduate in International Relations and with a master’s degree in Cultural Management, he has directed his training towards curatorial studies. He is a University Specialist in Cultural Studies and Territory and is currently studying for a PhD in Contemporary Art Research in the UPV-EHU (University of the Basque Country). He has recently curated ¡Vamos caballos! (Centro Huarte, 2023), Todoterreno (ezprogui, 2023), Resbalar (una cosa) (Can Felipa, Barcelona, 2024), ¿Quién robó la campana? (ezprogui, 2024) and Nadie puede compartir el sabor de la menta (BilbaoArte Fundazioa, 2024). Since 2021 he has been directing ezprogui.

Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Researcher and curator
Artistas y Creadores