Invasion of the Body Snatchers , Philip Kaufman, USA,1978, 115’
A milestone in Sci-Fi movies history. The story has been adapted many times to cinema, but real success and splendor was reached in this version by Philip Kaufman, the original screenwriter of the "Indiana Jones" series. It features the memorable interpretations of Donald Shuterland and Brooke Adams.
Microorganisms from a distant planet have reached Earth. Matthew works as an officer at Health Depatment in San Francisco. Elizabeth, a collaborator for whom she feels more than professional admiration, tells her that her husband has undergone a transformation that is unrecognizable. Nobody seems to believe Elizabeth but soon after, Matthew confirms that many of his friends and acquaintances have experienced the same behavioral changes.
Zientzia-fikzioaren eremua mugarria izan zen film hau. Askotariko egokitzapenak egin izan dira baina Philip Kaufmanek zuzendutakoak izan zuen arrakasta sekulakoa izan zen, Donald Shuterland eta Brooke Adamsen interpretazio gogoangarriak zerikusi zuzena izan zuten horretan.