
John Barker was born in London in 1948. From the 1970s onwards he has published a number of texts of political economy, writers and writing, and on the capitalist psyche and ideological opportunism. These have appeared in Red Notes; Mute; Adbusters; Capital and Class; Telepolis; MELA; Science as Culture; Variant; and Scottish Left Review. He has written an essay dealing with the colonial political economy of cocaine, From Coca to Capital, for the Potosi Principle exhibition in Madrid, Berlin, and La Paz. His short stories have appeared in The Edinburgh Review, 3ammagazine; Passport; Brand; and in the anthology Incendiary Device edited by Stewart Home.

More recently he has been collaborating with the Austrian artist Ines Doujak as writer and performer in the ongoing work on cloth and colonialism Loomshuttles Warpaths, parts of which have been shown in San Paulo and Busan.
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