© Photo: Cruz Larrañeta
Graphic designer and founder in 1991 of Estudio Lanzagorta in San Sebastián, a graphic design studio with clients mainly working in art and culture.
His work includes image creation for the exhibitions Badu, bada and Atarian, for arts centres such as Tabakalera and Bastero Kulturgunea, and for various publications for institutions including Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Quincena Musical, Fundación Kursaal, Donostia Kultura and Jazzaldia, among others.
In 2014 he launched a project titled Begiaundi Press, a graphic experimentation and research workshop set up to produce limited editions from a printing press. The project uses lead and wood typesetting along with other materials such as linoleum, MDF, plexiglass, cardboard and even espadrille soles and coins. Alongside his graphic design career, he has participated, and continues to take part, in various musical projects including Orquesta Mondragón, Puskarra, Amor a Traición, La Buena Vida and Amateur, among others.
Eventos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Diseñador gráfico, fundador en 1991 del Estudio Lanzagorta de San Sebastián.
Artistas y Creadores