Juan Pablo Huércanos is deputy director of the Oteiza Museum and carries out independent curatorial projects in the field of sculpture and publishing. He is the author of numerous published writings on contemporary artists. His most recent curatorial projects have been Remigio Mendiburu. La construcción de la forma, Museo Oteiza, (2013), Remigio Mendiburu. Resonances. Centro Menchu Gal, (2014), Autoedit. Nuevas fomas y modelos en la autoedición y la publicación independiente, at Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo (2014-2015), Do It With Others, Prácticas autoeditadas en los lenguajes de la imagen, at CentroCentro Cibeles in Madrid (2015-2016) and AutoEdit II. Autoedición y lenguajes plásticos, at Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo (2016), Mendiburu. Matter and Memory, at the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum (2021); Interestratos. Nora Aurrekoetxea, Miren Doiz, Marina González Guerreiro, at the Oteiza Museum (2023); and En ninguna parte, en algún lugar. Miren Doiz, Zuhar Iruretagoiena, at Altxerri Gallery (2023). He has been the coordinator of plastic arts of "948 Merkatua, Mercado de las artes de Navarra" in the editions of 2017 and 2018 and member of the Technical Commission of Artistic Programming of the edition of "948 Merkatua" in 2019. He has been a member of the Commission for the Acquisition of Artistic Works of Navarre and of the Advisory Commission for Acquisitions of Kutxa Fundazioa. He is the author of the book Grupo GAUR. Arte y construcción colectiva, 1965-67 and lecturer on the Master's degree in art practice and theory promoted by Azkuna Zentroa and EHU/UPV.