The exhibitions allow children and adults to approach artistic practices and enjoy this encounter together.
Gabriel Chaile works among the fields of anthropology, spiritual and art. Rooted in the indigenous cultures of northeastern Argentina, hir work is a kind of material research on the genealogy of forms. Large-scale sculpture, drawing and installation are common practices in the artist’s artistic proposal. Frequently working with materials such as adobe, clay and metal, Chaile weaves stories that retake and revitalize the stories of his ancestors and community, integrating in his practice the ritual and symbolic meaning.
During the workshop we will approach the imaginary of the artist Gabriel Chaile. Drawing, self-portrait, body and scale changes will be some of our tools for experimentation.
November 16
December 14
January 25
Note: As these workshops are for family participation, children must come with an adult. ALL participants (both children and adults) must fill in the registration form.
idReservaPadre: 1420E35B-367A-48AD-8E0D-529C66D71D07
Reserva: Kameleoiak gara! Arte lantegia. Gabriel Chaile
FechaInicio: 2025-01-25
FechaFin: 2025-01-25
FechaAlta: 2024-08-20
Proyecto: ERAKUSKETAK Hezkuntza
Idioma: EU
idReserva: 6AD2058A-8474-419A-9C02-C0B12568D856
Fecha: 2025-01-25
HoraInicio: 11:00
HoraFin: 12:30
Plazas: 15
idAmbito: 4FD005A9-A106-42FD-9A39-2E35D465BB44
TituloEvento: Kameleoiak gara! Taller de arte. Gabriel Chaile
TituloEventoEU: Kameleoiak gara! Arte lantegia. Gabriel Chaile
Sala: ERAKUSKETA ARETOA - Actividades
SalaES: Sala de exposiciones
SalaEU: Erakusketa-aretoa
Ocupacion: Familiak
OcupacionES: Familias
OcupacionEU: Familiak