Adults, boys and girls together will get to know the wonderful world of circus. Acrobatics, aerobatics, juggling and manipulation of objects, wondrous balancing acts! ... All of this, together with neat touches of theatre and clown art. In the workshop we will start by becoming aware of our own body and we will be working in groups. Boys, girls and adults ... Enjoy yourselves!
During the first two days, some circus disciplines will be explored; on the third day there will be a small public exhibition at the Court, 5:45 onwards. At the end, everybody will be invited to try their skills as a circus artists. (Free entry, limited seats)
Xomorro Taldeak gidatutako hiru egunetako lantegian, haur zein heldu, jolasen bitartez, zirkuaren mundu liluragarria ezagutuko dugu elkarrekin. Lurreko eta aireko akrobaziak, malabareak eta objektuen manipulazioa, oreka...