La noche polar, Florencia Romano, Argentina, 2016, 61m, DCP, Spanish
The title of this movie could also be that of a song by the group Family or a record by Los Planetas: youth solitude adrift, and cosmic dreams.
Julián, the film’s protagonist, is a young librarian obsessed with a mysterious eclipse which will plunge the Earth into darkness for fifteen days. The threat of this polar night gives rise to an existential question within Julián. What if the Sun never returns? This marks the beginning of his secret and private drifting in search of answers, whether in books, tarot cards, conversations with his friend Clara, telephone calls, on walks with and without a destination, and in the Cosmos... and like all proper journeys to the stars, when the Sun does eventually return, everything will have changed forever. We close once again with Family and their polar landscapes and places which have yet to be discovered: “Hacia el fondo de ese mundo / del que me has hablado tanto / paraíso de glaciares y de bosques polares / donde miedos y temores / se convierten en paisajes / de infinitos abedules / de hermosura incomparable” (Towards the ends of that world / that you've told me so much about / a paradise of glaciers and polar forests / where fears and dread / turn into landscapes / of infinite birch trees / of incomparable beauty).
The title of this movie could also be that of a song by the group Family or a record by Los Planetas: youth solitude adrift, and cosmic dreams.