Laura Ibáñez López_TBK

She has been interested in drawing and painting since she was a child. In 2010 she began studying Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV). After graduating, she decided to immerse herself in the world of printmaking and silkscreen printing, doing internships in several studios in Madrid. During that year, a great interest in animation began to invade her. Self-taught in this medium, she moved to Belgium in 2015 to study a Master's degree in animated film at the Ghent School of Art (KASK). After graduating, she started her journey in this new world with her project LOVE STORY, selected in several festivals (Athens Animfest, Animocje, Fete de l'anim and Reanima).

In 2019, she completed her Master's degree in teacher training and is currently studying for her Master's degree in archiving at the Elías Querejeta Film School in San Sebastián. Between 2020 and 2021 she has been selected for the Animated Women exhibition (Animateka Festival), the COVID EXIT Exhibition (Madrid Gráfica) and has received the "Development Studio" Grant (VAF- Vlaams audivisueel founds) and the production grant from the Bilbaoarte Centre to develop an animation project.

Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Artist and filmmaker
Artistas y Creadores