Just like dance, body language and other disciplines related to the body and its communication, mime is one of the basic instruments in human communication.
This workshop will study the art of mime – gesture, illusion and movement– together with exercises in spontaneity, performance and sensitivity. All exercises will be performed with changes in rhythm to ensure a physical and emotional balance. Stimulating exercises will be followed by calmer ones, movement exercises by more relaxed ones.
The aim of the workshop is to help participants acquire the basic techniques of mime, offering them an opportunity to prepare their artistic and personal consciousness through a mastery of their bodies, agility and creativity.
This one will be the dynamics of each one of the meetings:
- Warm-up exercises: all the classes begin for exercises of warming to prepare the body.
- Techniques of training
- Mimo techniques
- Exercises of sensibility: they help to develop car artistic and personal conscience.
- Exercises of spontaneity: they help to develop a major artistic spontaneity.
And we will work topics as the expressiveness, corporal attitude, immobility, division of the movement, imagination, easing etc. Everything in order that our body begins to speak.
Just like dance, body language and other disciplines related to the body and its communication, mime is one of the basic instruments in human communication.