During this session, we will work on a study recorded on 1/2-inch videotape by Darcy Lange, which portrays a day’s work for a group of shepherds that begins shrouded in mist. In Spanish, mist (niebla) is also the name given to the noise caused by the lack of transmission signal. Both meanings of the term are mixed in Lange’s video, blurring the image and altering the sound. The surface of the tape crosses the fields of Scotland and with it we travel through the formats that followed; from the origins of the video until the present. This journey marks the beginning of the public activities related to Landa Lan; a Documentation of Darcy Lange (an exhibition prepared by Tractor Koop E. and Tabakalera) and we will have the help of Mona Jiménez (an expert in video preservation) and Mikel R. Nieto (a sound artist).
Viewing session and debate.