
Mugigeldi is comprised of Naiara Gallego, a professional photographer and the person behind Meraki estudio, and Lorea Espada, a graphic and website designer and freelance illustrator. Passionate about the world of images, they have joined forces to remind the world of the first steps of animation.

Naiara started to become interested in the world of photography from a very young age, developing her talent over the years and carrying out research in the audiovisual world in search of new techniques.

Lorea, just like Naiara, discovered her interest in the world of images from a young age through illustration, searching for a more communicative approach through graphic design.

They both met in the faculty of fine arts at the University of the Basque Country in Leioa, and since then they have been creating and collaborating in projects related to the image.
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Naiara Gallego and Lorea Espada