Memoria de Montevideo is the only musical composition that sculptor Jorge Oteiza recorded (without a specific date). Although the original recording, which Oteiza presented as a verbal narration rather than with musical instruments, does not explain the composition as a whole, it is sufficiently important to bring the traces of Oteiza's sound universe into the light. There is no other exercise of this kind in his entire sound archive, and it therefore marks a special milestone in the artist's career.
The aim of this performance is to embody for the first time this work that has been forgotten for decades and that can be defined as concrete music. After the presentation and public analysis of some unknown sections of the sound archive made a few months ago, on this occasion, the sound artist and researcher Xabier Erkizia will offer a first attempt to perform Memoria de Montevideo with the help of specific collaborators. The performance, in addition to this new interpretation, will be completed with a listening of the original recording and other explanations.
The sound artist and researcher Xabier Erkizia will offer a first attempt to perform Jorge Oteiza´s musical composition Memoria de Montevideo.
Reserva: Musika dena eta eszena, Memoria de Montevideo (Estreinaldia)
FechaInicio: 2022-12-22
FechaFin: 2022-12-22
FechaAlta: 2022-03-03
Proyecto: Musika, dena eta eszena
idReserva: CD6EADCE-BE61-4546-848A-C661B01A54A3
Fecha: 2022-12-22
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
TituloEvento: Musika dena eta eszena: Memoria de Montevideo (Estreinaldia)
TituloEventoEU: Musika dena eta eszena: Memoria de Montevideo (Estreinaldia)
Sala: SALA Z
SalaES: Sala Z
SalaEU: Z aretoa
Ocupacion: Ekitaldia - Orokorrean
OcupacionES: Evento en general
OcupacionEU: Ekitaldia - Orokorrean