The sound creations of Nad Spiro decipher the echoes of stones (“Pedreres LP”, Geometrik 2020), as well as port area transmissions (“Sirius Signals” CD, Farpoint Recordings 2017). Her new record “L’Important” recreates a soundtrack in search of a film and the forms crystallise while also articulating a sci-fi narrative: in her usual enigmatic way,Spiro invites us to drift through space in a ship called L’Important.
After this soundtrack, she performs themes from her sound archive: forgotten songs of a lost cosmonaut. Nad Spiro presents her new record “L’Important”, an imaginary soundtrack that is published on cassette and CD accompanied by a publication with story and drawings by Zane Speer, photos by Joan Fontcuberta and design by Marc Valls.
"Nad Spiro’s sounds are an audio invocation in ritual form, activating the sonic frictions of suggestive and evocative atmospheres".
Visual content designed by Aurora Gasull.
Nad Spiro’s sounds are an audio invocation in ritual form, activating the sonic frictions of suggestive and evocative atmospheres.
Reserva: Musika dena eta eszena SPIRO-SONOGRAPH
FechaInicio: 2022-04-21
FechaFin: 2022-04-21
FechaAlta: 2021-12-17
Proyecto: Musika, dena eta eszena
Entrada: Sarrera
EntradaES: Entrada
idReserva: D25563CF-79B5-41E5-B9BD-0088C49EBD0D
Fecha: 2022-04-21
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
Plazas: 120
TituloEvento: Musika dena eta eszena: Nad Spiro
TituloEventoEU: Musika dena eta eszena: Nad Spiro
Sala: SALA Z
SalaES: Sala Z
SalaEU: Z aretoa
Ocupacion: Musika
OcupacionES: Música
OcupacionEU: Musika