Look at Agur Meabe (Lekeitio, 1962). She writes for adults as well as for children and young people.
She received the critics' prize in 2001 with Azalaren kodea, and in 2011 for the poetry collections Bitsa eskuetan. And the National Poetry Prize in 2021 for the book Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan.
Her main prose works are Kristalezko begi bat (2013) and Hezurren erretura (2019).
She has received three times the Euskadi Prize for youth literature: Itsaslabarreko etxea (2002), Urtebete itsasargian, (2006), and Errepidea (2011). Likewise, she also received the Mikel Zarate award in 2020 with the novel Itsasoaren Atea.
She has participated in various international meetings and is also dedicated to literary translation.
She is an academic at the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, Euskaltzaindia.