
She graduated in Engraving and Printing from the Oviedo School of Arts and in Fine Arts from the National College of Art and Design of Dublin. She is currently starting a Master’s Degree in Research and Creation in Art. UPV. 2014

She has done several photography workshops at Arteleku with Karen Knörr, Hellen Van Meene, Oscar Molina and Eduardo Momeñe, as well as lithography workshops with Don Herbert and silkscreen printing workshops with Pepe Albacete. Since 2009, she has been on the teaching staff at Kunsthal. She has received awards that include Pamplona Young Artists, Navarra Encounters and the XIX Injuve Art Show. She has also been awarded scholarships for Creation in Plastic and Audio-visual Arts by the Government of Navarra and the Basque Government.

She has taken part in the following collective exhibitions: 70’ setentas at the Moisés Pérez de Albéniz Gallery 2003, No somos nadie and La ilusión del Pirata, Miquel Casablancas Prize 2005 and 2006, Guest Start, Palacio del Condestable, Pamplona 2009, Mundos que pertenecen al nuestro, Patxi Buldain Foundation 2010, Ez diren gauzak. Zumaia Culture Centre, 2011, Erreakzioa, Paraninfo Building, Bilbao 2011, Arts attack Arte-Ko Gallery San Sebastián, T-festa 2012-2014 and 2016 Bilbao, Donostia; Family Figures, Bamburgh House, Newcastle, 2013 and Una Imagen Brutal at Ekain Gallery 2014. Her individual exhibitions include II Pause, Pabellón de Mixtos, Ciudadela 2006 and Palmeras, tilos, limoneros, chicles, horquillas, polizias, Ciudadela 2014. And she also took part in the video "Merienda de Negros" at the 9th International Film Festival of Las Palmas (Tribute to Panero) 2008, soon to be screened at El Artium.
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Visual Artist
Artistas y Creadores