Ombligo will perform live the original soundtrack they composed for What Have I Done to Deserve This?
What Have I Done to Deserve This? (¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto?), Pedro Almodóvar, Spain, 1984, 101 min
Gloria works as a maid, and she doesn’t have a minute to spare. Her own house already provides her with enough entertainment for the whole day. She shares her forty square metres of living space with her husband, a taxi driver, her mother-in-law, two brutish sons and a lizard. She is not a happy woman. Like many Spanish housewives, she has not enjoyed the same opportunities as Caroline of Monaco. Between her and her husband, as well as the gulf caused by the lack of communication, looms the shadow of a German woman for whom her husband worked as a chauffeur in Berlin, fifteen years earlier, and with whom he is still in love. One of the taxi driver’s few skills is the ability to forge anyone’s handwriting to perfection. The German woman suggests to him over the phone the possibility of forging Hitler’s memoirs, and announces a visit to Madrid to discuss the matter.
Playful and festive, jovial, brimming with energy. This is how music by OMBLIGO could be defined, a musical project driven by Anika Sobrino and Ángel Cáceres from Madrid that seems to immerse itself in the gypsy universe of the Balkans. Fusion is something inherent in the work of this pair of virtuous, as this Balkan folklore is joined by bolero and swing with certain touches of contemporary jazz. All this mixture allows the listener to enter into a journey around the world through their songs. It is an emotional and sensorial journey, but also, and in a way, a physical one, thanks to his violin and guitar.
Film along with the group OMBLIGO, with live music.
FechaInicio: 2024-03-23
FechaFin: 2024-03-23
FechaAlta: 2024-01-26
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
idReserva: E423AF90-BD5C-4DED-ADA7-1CD469B508CB
Fecha: 2024-03-23
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 21:00
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea