In collaboration with her family (Andre van Bergen, Tara-Jay van Bergen) and using materials such as wood and glass, Yael Davids (Kibbutz Tzuba, 1968) frames a space for the body in which canvases with fabrics act as walls. Using sheep’s wool left over from the cheese-making process, Davids invites CAR (the “Centre for Approaching the Rural”) to weave a series of mats and use them to create the necessary conditions for learning the Feldenkrais Method, which ultimately gives shape to an ethical and aesthetic experience built around sustainability and the politics of breathing.
In the exhibition hall itself there will be a demonstration of the Feldenkrais Method which will be led by Davids and whose only participant will be her daughter Tara, who, on the basis of a script created especially for the occasion, will carry out a public session mindful of the urgent problems of today.
Free entry until full capacity is reached.
Demonstration of the Feldenkrais Method, with Davids' daughter Tara as the only participant.
Reserva: Yael Davids, Breathing Comes as We Cry and Face the Weight Against Gravity
FechaInicio: 2024-02-24
FechaFin: 2024-02-24
FechaAlta: 2024-02-08
Proyecto: Pieles y pliegues
Entrada: Librea
EntradaES: Libre
idReserva: 5876EFA0-8197-42A6-BB80-115A7017516E
Fecha: 2024-02-24
HoraInicio: 12:00
HoraFin: 13:00
TituloEvento: Yael Davids, Breathing Comes as We Cry and Face the Weight Against Gravity
TituloEventoEU: Yael Davids, Breathing Comes as We Cry and Face the Weight Against Gravity
Sala: ERAKUSKETA ARETOA - Actividades
SalaES: Sala de exposiciones
SalaEU: Erakusketa-aretoa
Ocupacion: Performancea
OcupacionES: Performance
OcupacionEU: Performancea